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humanoid, far future
Post Multitude Age

A fossilised cache of humanoid juvenile teeth currency

Bewildered Wood Anthrobeds

Late Multitude Age 

Pre-adult humans in affluent societies were farmed for the production of milk tooth currency. This trade was monopolised by fairy traders who grew rich when decreased rates of human reproduction greatly inflated the value of assets held as milk teeth. During Late Multitude hypo-inflation, the exchange value of milk teeth soared from a silver sixpence to  billions of neo-crypto. This exploitative trade led to a rift between children and fairy folk that persists today. 


This hoard of milk teeth currency was probably concealed to avoid tax (which was considered ethical at the time), and later abandoned during the Human Fairy Wars at the end of the Age of Multitude. Evidence of the fabric purse remain around the tooth coinage it contained.


Dean Sully

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