time-traveller, far future
Ancient primitive time travelling device
Oxford Street, London
0002222 CE
Pioneered by early time-travelers, this form of footwear is as ubiquitous today as it was in distant past. Whilst ancient examples were made of organic materials such as animal skin and plant-fibre, their manufacture in the early Anthropocene relied on fossil fuel technologies. This pair, typical of today, is made from the most resilient materials to survive the rigours of repeated time-travelling and teleportation.
IMoB 33109.
human, future
Golden Flip Flops
Time of Affluence
Historically, the flipflop has been made of easily accessible, cheap, durable, and recyclable or reusable material. Earlier forms used more natural organic materials such as animal skin, a range of plant fibre and wood whereas more modern materials are inorganic such as rubber, foam, and plastic.
Modernity has continued to overlook the earlier organic forms of manufacturing which were more in line with the environment into more harmful and extravagant means of production. Made with gold, a precious material even in the Time of Affluence, this pair object embody the extremely voluptuous and hedonistic lifestyle of the rich.